Monday, November 24, 2014

How Bananas Can Keep You Out of Trouble

Bananas are one of the favorite fruits for lots of people. They  are a wonderful fruit for one's wellbeing as  they are packed with vitamins and minerals. There is no better snack than a banana if you would like an instant energy booster.  Another wonderful benefit  of bananas is that they contain Vitamin B6 which is good if you experience recurrent fatigue.
Bananas are also great at helping with depression, they contain tryptophan which is a kind of protein that converts into seretonin. Studies show that bananas have serotonin and norephinephrine. Serotonin and depression have been directly connected in numerous medical research.
Bananas are also high in vitamins A, B and C.  They also contain three types of natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose. Bananas are also known for containing fiber. The fiber from unripe bananas bring down bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol by up to 30%.  If you experience  Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, you have probably heard about fiber and its effects on IBS. The main cause why people are suffering from IBS is having a very poor diet.
Aside from being packed with nutrients and benefits, bananas are also a very enjoyable food. However, if the idea of eating a  banana does not excite you, there are more fun and tasty ways  you can include bananas in your diet.
You may try banana cakes. Banana rum cake,for instance, is a dessert  which you can make and will surely enjoy. There is also  a  banana pudding recipe, a healthy and better alternative for dessert. It  is quite delicious and is low on carbohydrates. Bananas are also some of the most popular ingredients in pie recipes. You may also try a sweet and delicious banana ice cream that is easy to produce at home.
Lastly, you can also make smoothies. There are many fruits that you may try when making a fruit smoothie. These include mango, strawberries and of course, bananas.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Why Farting isn't as Bad as You Think

Why do we fart? This is probably a very strange or even  funny question to ask but have you ever wondered why we fart? What is farting, anyway?
Farting is the process of  releasing excess gases that build up inside the guts. These gases, produced when food is broken down by the body,  include methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. Farting is also caused by the air that gets swallowed when we chew our food, when we drink or even when we take a breath deeply.

Why do farts smell?
The gas that actually  causes farts to smell is hydrogen sulfide. We release smelly gases when the microorganisms  that naturally live in our body  break down the substances  that contain sulfur. This explains  why when we  eat foods  rich in sulfur like eggs, meat, beans and cabbage, our farts become smelly.
On the other hand, farts may not have any smell at all when we are just releasing the air that gets swallowed when we eat, drink or take a deep breath.


Farting can be embarrassing specially when we are releasing smelly gases but we must remember that it is a natural bodily process. Let us just all hope that we do not do it when there are people around us.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet

Do you have smelly feet? Have you been in a very embarrassing  situation because of your smelly feet? Have you experienced removing your shoes in public (in an airport during an inspection,for example) and the people around you noticed that there was something  in the air? Do not worry, you are not alone, I know how it feels when you have this problem. Just keep reading, I’ll tell you what you can do to put the bad odor away but you need to understand why you have smelly feet in the first place. Knowing  the real problem is the first step in finding the correct and most applicable solution to any problem (not just smelly feet). Just be patient and keep reading.

The Cause

Understanding the cause of smelly feet will help us know how to solve this embarrassing problem. There is probably nothing wrong with your feet. The human body produces sweat to protect itself from too much heat. Sweat acts like a cooling agent that lowers the body temperature when it evaporates.  Your feet use the same process to keep their normal temperature specially when you are wearing your shoes.
Depending on the shoes and the socks that  your wear, it could sometimes be more difficult for each foot’s sweat to evaporate specifically when there is no enough air ventilation. When this happens, it becomes easier for bacteria to live and act on your sweat. This causes the unpleasant odor that you smell when you take off your shoes. It is the interaction between the bacteria in your shoes/socks and your perspiration that causes smelly feet.

The Solution

Now that you know  why you have smelly feet, you may try the suggestions in the list below. You may consult  your doctor if these suggestions fail to solve the problem.
  • Do not wear shoes if you do not have to. You can try going barefoot at home (be sure your house is clean) or try wearing open-toes sandals. This will prevent your feet from perspiring too much and there will be enough air ventilation when it does for any unusual reason.
  • Do not wear the same shoes everyday. If possible, use two or more pair of shoes and do not use the same pair for two or more consecutive days. This will give your shoes more time to dry out. Use good quality shoes. (I did not say expensive)
  • Do not use nylon socks. Use socks that are made of cotton or wool instead. Nylon socks will not help your feet to get dry faster as they do not provide good ventilation.
  • Dry your feet well after bathing them in hot water. This will make your feet clean.
  • Clean your feet (and your whole body) with anti-bacterial soap.
Try these suggestions and get rid of smelly feet. Smelly feet is something that no one should have, specially those who say that they are good-looking.  Smile