Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Raspberry Pi Video Player on YouTube

This is a video of my Raspberry Pi while playing "Big Buck Bunny", a short film released online by the Blender Foundation in 2008.

The device looks cute and is very useful. I have several other applications that I might demonstrate in the future. These include an HD camera with a touch-screen and an IP camera. I already have uploaded a video of my Raspberry Pi internet radio which you can watch on my channel also.

I have other stuff that you might find interesting in my other sites:

My Raspberry Pi Internet Radio - A New Video on my YouTube Channel

The Raspberry Pi is a very small computer that can be configured to do some useful tasks such as playing music from the internet. Unfortunately, you cannot hear any sound output from the device in this video. I have to remove the audio from the video because of YouTube's policy on copyrighted music.

To make this internet radio player, I used a small touchscreen made specifically for the Raspberry Pi (the PiTFT 2.8") , a USB Wifi device, a small speaker and a free software that I downloaded. You can go to  to get more information if you want to build your own.

I have some other stuff that you might find interesting. Please check my other pages:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Alone - a short animation on my YouTube channel

A short computer animation on my YouTube channel that shows a lonely creature in a quiet but now flooded neighborhood.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Little People

 This is my new video on YouTube. It shows a group of tiny people walking on grass and on the street. I used a "chroma key" trick to make the video.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Hungry Cat on A Windy Day - a short animation

Another short video on my YouTube channel. The video shows a cute cat that seems to be searching for food. The wind suddenly blows and the cat gets "surprised".

Mysterious Fire - a short animation

 I recently uploaded a new video on YouTube. It is actually a short animation that I made using a software that I am still trying to learn. It has been a few years since the last time that I uploaded a video on YouTube, I hope this time I can make more and better videos. Check my YouTube channel to see my other videos.  

Talking and Walking - another crowd simulation

This one is my second attempt to make a crowd simulation video.

People - a crowd simulation

This is my first attempt to create a crowd simulation video with a software that I am still learning to use.  Crowd simulation has been used in many films such as Worldwar Z. I hope someday I can make something similar or close to what these films have achieved.

As you can see,  the characters do not look real but the way they move is really something that I never thought can be made with computers.