Sunday, November 23, 2014

Why Farting isn't as Bad as You Think

Why do we fart? This is probably a very strange or even  funny question to ask but have you ever wondered why we fart? What is farting, anyway?
Farting is the process of  releasing excess gases that build up inside the guts. These gases, produced when food is broken down by the body,  include methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. Farting is also caused by the air that gets swallowed when we chew our food, when we drink or even when we take a breath deeply.

Why do farts smell?
The gas that actually  causes farts to smell is hydrogen sulfide. We release smelly gases when the microorganisms  that naturally live in our body  break down the substances  that contain sulfur. This explains  why when we  eat foods  rich in sulfur like eggs, meat, beans and cabbage, our farts become smelly.
On the other hand, farts may not have any smell at all when we are just releasing the air that gets swallowed when we eat, drink or take a deep breath.


Farting can be embarrassing specially when we are releasing smelly gases but we must remember that it is a natural bodily process. Let us just all hope that we do not do it when there are people around us.

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